
Gemma Baker Resin Artist - BoHome Beautiful insta @bohomebeautifulxx

Gemma Baker Resin Artist - BoHome Beautiful insta @bohomebeautifulxx - Craft Resin US

Hi everyone, my name is Gemma and I am a resin artist, I own the resin brand @bohomebeautifulxx


My background is actually as a full time mobile stylist, but I’ve always been really creative even as a child. I first saw epoxy resin just over 3 years ago on social media and I would often watch the videos and was amazed at all the things you could create with it. From that it inspired me to eventually give it a go! 


Click on the images as you go through to view Gemma's work up close on her Instagram feed:



I really started to get into resin about a year ago, I started off creating very small pieces like pendants which I found quite fiddly but they required the least amount of resin as I was practicing and getting used to how the product worked. Once I began to understand how it sets and it’s consistency I quickly fell in love and began to test it out on larger more daring items. That’s the beauty of a craft like resin, you can start small then build to bigger projects when you feel ready to move onto them.


I love creating geode pieces whether that’s on a canvas, over the top of wood or on a mirror. I love them because you can be as creative as you feel plus they tend to be nice and sparkly and you can never have too much glitter!!! 



I started my resin journey about a year ago but I had been thinking about it for a fair few years beforehand. Once I had done all my research and really thought about it then it just naturally turned into a passion and something which I feel I can really expand on more and more. I have slowly been growing my business organically in my spare time and I feel it’s now paying off. You don’t always need to dive into a full time role when creating with resin, you can build it up slowly at a pace that’s right for you.


When I first started I was a bit concerned about having to wear PPE when creating with resin but once I thoroughly researched the best masks I no longer felt like it was an issue. 



I’m very interested to now see where the next steps of my resin journey will take me, I’ve recently been considering becoming a brand ambassador with Craft Resin as I feel like it will be a great add on to my resin business and I feel like it would be really beneficial for me moving forward. As a resin artist you don’t always have to align with a specific brand, but if there is one you use and love then it could be a great option to explore as there are many benefits you receive through brand partnerships like this.


I absolutely love resin and it’s versatility, it’s given me so much joy as the more I create the more I become inspired and I begin to think of new things to make. I’m looking forward to growing my following on Instagram and taking part in more craft fairs this year so people can see my work up close. 



My advice for anyone wanting to start with resin would be to do your research thoroughly, so many things can go wrong with resin if you haven’t looked into it properly. Start off creating small items such as coasters as you can get really creative and they don’t use too much resin if you make mistakes. Practise makes perfect, so get stuck into trying and learn along the way!



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How To Check If Anyone Has Shopped For Craft Resin Through Your Referral Link? - Craft Resin US
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