
Nadia and Sadia Resin Artists - N&S Arts @n_and_s.arts

Nadia and Sadia Resin Artists - N&S Arts @n_and_s.arts - Craft Resin US

Hello! We are Nadia and Sadia and we co-own our business called N&S Arts! 


Our business mainly consists of personalised resin items and Arabic calligraphy, but we are always trying new things!


Click on the images below to see our work close up through our Instagram feed:



Back in 2020, our final year school exams were cancelled due to Covid, and so we were left with a lot of free time on our hands! We decided to pour all our energy into starting a small business, a creative outlet for us to introduce our handmade creations to the world.


We decided that our first product launch would be resin coasters. However, we did not know much about the medium back then or even how to go about making a coaster. We had a not-so-brilliant idea of placing our dried flowers on an acrylic disc and pouring resin on top to seal it. As you can imagine, this was a total failure! We soon learnt that you actually had to use resin moulds to make items such as coasters (face palm).



However, as our business has grown over time, we are slowly becoming more confident with using resin, and our mistakes (that we still make!) teach us something new every time. Having a resin business is not without struggle as there are so many factors that play a role in producing a perfect final piece. But practice makes progress, and the gratifying feeling when your piece turns out to be beautiful is unmatched!


Our favourite thing about resin is that you cannot truly know how each piece will turn out until you de-mould it, and each item you create is unique and will never be identical to another. We also love that we can personalise our resin creations with Arabic calligraphy, combining both our crafts and passions into one!



If we had to choose, our favourite resin items to make would be coasters as the design options are endless and they add a beautiful touch to any space in the home. We especially love to make resin coasters using our customers’ own flowers from an important time in their life. It is such a special thing to be able to preserve someone’s memories into a beautiful item that can be cherished forever, and we are so happy to be able to be a part of this process!




We are so fortunate to be brand ambassadors for Craft Resin and we feel proud to stand by a product that makes pursuing a resin business so much easier! Craft resin is easy to use with its one-to-one ratio, something that is not often seen with other resins. We recommend anyone who is interested in starting a resin business to use craft resin, as it is perfect for beginners. 


Resin has allowed us to pursue our creative side, something which we’ve loved to do since childhood. We are excited to expand our resin range even further and create timeless pieces for customers all over the world.


Nadia and Sadia

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