
Sara Orpin, Resin Artist And Craft Resin Talent Award Winner From The UK

Sara Orpin, Resin Artist And Craft Resin Talent Award Winner From The UK - Craft Resin US

Hi everyone,

My name is Sara Orpin, I recently won Craft Resin’s Talent Award for posting one of my projects into the Craft Resin Facebook Community Group. 


I was chosen because my posts had the most likes, which totally shocked me, I did not expect that many people to like and comment on my work, it actually made me feel quite emotional to receive the award and proud that it was because of something I had made myself.


Below is a picture of the sparkly coaster that won. I had to post it because I had to share the sparkle that I was getting from the piece, I thought if I liked it that others might too:



I love how encouraging and supportive the group is, and I love that it’s given me the encouragement and safe place that I can proudly share my work. A place that I can do that knowing I won’t be judged or criticised, but instead praised and inspired. And it’s lovely to think that I might be inspiring others with my work too.


I started with resin in August 2020. I was making hair bows and dummy clips but something kept drawing me to colours I needed to be able to explore colour and glitters which I love sparkle things then I saw a lady from America was making keychains with resin only showing the finished products…. That’s when I started watching videos on YouTube I had the bug before even making anything lol.


I am almost 42 year old mummy to five children I live with my hubby and our 2 youngest children. I wasn’t working as I have a really bad back alongside other illnesses so doing something from home was something I though might be good it was mainly for my mental health problems due to terrible past issues.


Resin is more of a hobby to me, although I do sell some of my projects through my small business @omgresin, I’m mainly having fun while doing something I love and I now share that on social media.


I had been diagnosed with degenerative arthritis in my spine and I wanted to do something where if I wasn’t able to work that day I could rest, and then when I was feeling better again I could once again work on my resin projects. A normal job just wouldn’t give me that freedom, but resin is perfect. I love that I also get to do that from home and spend time with my family too. Even my 9 year old daughter has fun making creations with me, she has extra small gloves and we love working together.


This last year has been a rollercoaster and although I have kept my resin projects ticking over I have needed to take large breaks during it, because of what we as a family have had to go through. In January we lost my Dad to covid-19 and whilst that happened my Mum was also really poorly with it and we feared we would loose her too.


Having degenerative arthritis in my spine and losing my Dad and my Mum being really poorly has greatly affected my mental health and I have had moments where I have felt on the edge of suicidal thoughts. Working with resin has kept me going through these very dark times. It has given me a purpose and something to take my mind off my pain and it really does help It’s very therapeutic and it’s literally saved my life!


Both my parents were creative and I believe this is where I have gotten my creative side from. I can now hold onto the fact that my Dad now lives through me through this creative streak that he passed onto me.


Dad even built the Camper Van that you see in the background of this picture of mum and me:



I am so happy to have won the Talent Award, I feel like finally things are changing and it’s given me hope that things are going to be on the up from here on out.


I can’t wait to get it so that I can start creating more resin projects with it and spend more time in the creative flow. The first thing I’m going to make with it is…..


I hope you all find something that brings you as much peace, joy and escapism like resin does for me.


Sara x

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